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July - CITA#85
There’s a great deal of musical nostalgia within July's issue of Caught In The Act.... and that got me thinking: perhaps it’s a reflection upon today’s less-than-inspiring music scene.  I’m literally obsessed with finding new talent – and let me tell you – the new icons of today, in my opinion, are slim and far and in between, and maybe non existent.  I mean who – is the next David Bowie, James Brown, Prince, Van Halen, Joni Mitchell, Notorious B.I.G., U2, etc?  The problem with that is that this has always been the conversation every generation
has.  Every generation laments that the music today isn’t the music from yesterday.  And that “all the great music came out when I was a kid”.  It’s pretty much a truism of every generation.  Read on...,

August - CITA#86
So what’s the difference between a Sampler and a Compilation album?  To my mind, a sampler is a type of promotional compilation album generally offered at a reduced price to showcase an artist or a selection of artists signed to a particular record label.  Obviously choosing ‘20 Classic UK Samplers’ is purely subjective, and I’m sure that you can suggest many alternatives!  So without making any apologies I offer my own thoughts in August's special themed issue....

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